Teaching with songs (Isabel Pérez) es un sitio interesante donde se encuentra una variedad de canciones útiles para la enseñanza del inglés. Se puede encontrar el audio, la letra y diversos ejercicios para una sola canción.
Ejemplo 1
By Pink
Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say
Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face
There's no one quite like you
You push all my buttons down
I know life would suck without you
At the same time, I wanna hug you
I wanna wrap my hands around your neck
You're an asshole but I love you
And you make me so mad I ask myself
Why I'm still here, or where could I go
You're the only love I've ever known
But I hate you, I really hate you,
So much, I think it must be
True love, true love
It must be true love
Nothing else can break my heart like
True love, true love,
It must be true love
No one else can break my heart like you
Just once try to wrap your little brain around my feelings
Just once please try not to be so mean
Repeat after me now R-O-M-A-N-C-E-E-E
Come on I'll say it slowly (Romance)
You can do it baby
At the same time, I wanna hug you
I wanna wrap my hands around your neck
You're an asshole but I love you
And you make me so mad I ask myself
Why I'm still here, or where could I go
You're the only love I've ever known
But I hate you, I really hate you,
So much, I think it must be
True love, true love
It must be true love
Nothing else can break my heart like
True love, true love,
It must be true love
And no one else can break my heart like you
(I love you, I think it must be love, I love you)
Why do you rub me up the wrong way?
Why do you say the things that you say?
Sometimes I wonder how we ever came to be
But without you I'm incomplete
I think it must be
True love, true love
It must be true love
Nothing else can break my heart like
True love, true love,
It must be true love
And no one else can break my heart like you (like you)
No one else can break my heart like you (like you)
No one else can break my heart like you
Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face
There's no one quite like you
You push all my buttons down
I know life would suck without you
At the same time, I wanna hug you
I wanna wrap my hands around your neck
You're an asshole but I love you
And you make me so mad I ask myself
Why I'm still here, or where could I go
You're the only love I've ever known
But I hate you, I really hate you,
So much, I think it must be
True love, true love
It must be true love
Nothing else can break my heart like
True love, true love,
It must be true love
No one else can break my heart like you
Just once try to wrap your little brain around my feelings
Just once please try not to be so mean
Repeat after me now R-O-M-A-N-C-E-E-E
Come on I'll say it slowly (Romance)
You can do it baby
At the same time, I wanna hug you
I wanna wrap my hands around your neck
You're an asshole but I love you
And you make me so mad I ask myself
Why I'm still here, or where could I go
You're the only love I've ever known
But I hate you, I really hate you,
So much, I think it must be
True love, true love
It must be true love
Nothing else can break my heart like
True love, true love,
It must be true love
And no one else can break my heart like you
(I love you, I think it must be love, I love you)
Why do you rub me up the wrong way?
Why do you say the things that you say?
Sometimes I wonder how we ever came to be
But without you I'm incomplete
I think it must be
True love, true love
It must be true love
Nothing else can break my heart like
True love, true love,
It must be true love
And no one else can break my heart like you (like you)
No one else can break my heart like you (like you)
No one else can break my heart like you
Exercises: By Isabel Pérez
1. – Fill the blanks with the words from the box. Then, translate this part.
reak, face, go, heart, hug, known, mad, neck, push, quite, single, suck, word |
Sometimes I hate every ................. stupid .................. you say
Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole ..................
There's no one ............ like you
You .............. all my buttons down
I know life would .............. without you
At the same time, I wanna ............... you
I wanna wrap my hands around your .....................
You're an asshole but I love you
And you make me so ............ I ask myself
Why I'm still here, or where could I ......................
You're the only love I've ever known
But I hate you, I really hate you,
So much, I think it must beTrue love, true love
It must be true love
Nothing else can .................. my ................. like
True love, true love,
It must be true love
No one else can .................. my ................ like you
2.– Match the halves
1. Just once try to wrap your little brain 2. Just once please try 3. Repeat after me now 4. Come on I'll say You can do it baby | a. it slowly (Romance) b. not to be so mean c. around my feelings d. R-O-M-A-N-C-E-E-E |
Link de la canción presentada: http://www.isabelperez.com/songs/truelove.htm
Las canciones que presenta este sitio son actuales, y de diferentes gustos.
Ejemplo 2
The Roses of Success
This is from the movie "Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang"
This is from the movie "Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang"
Each abysmal failure makes a point
Every glowing path that goes astray
Shows you how to find a better way
So every time you stumble, Never grumble
Next time you'll bumble even less
For up from the ashes, up from the ashes, grow the roses of success
Grow the roses
Grow the roses
Grow the roses of success
O yes!
Grow the roses
Those rosy roses
From the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success
For every big mistake you make be grateful
(Hear, hear!)
That mistake you'll never make again
(No sir)
Every shiny dream that fades and dies
Generates the steam for two more tries
So there's magic in the wake of a fiasco!
It gives you that chance to second guess
(O yes!)
Then up from the ashes, up from the ashes grow the roses of success
Grow the roses
Grow the roses
Grow the roses of success
Grow the roses
Those rosy roses
From the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success
Disaster didn't styme Louis Pasteur
(No sir)
Edison took years to see the light
Alexander Graham knew failure well. He took a lot of knocks to ring that bell
So when it gets distressing it's a blessing
Onward and upward you must press
Yes! Yes!
Til up from the ashes, up from the ashes grow the roses of success
Grow the ro
Grow the ro
Grow the roses!
Grow the ro
Grow the ro
Grow the roses!
Grow the roses of success
Grow the ro
Grow the ro
Grow the roses!
Those rosy ro
Those rosy ro
Those rosy roses!
From the ashes of disaster, grow the roses of success
Start the engines
Batten the hatches
Man the shrouds
Lift the anchor
By Isabel Pérez Torres
Exercises: some of the exercises below can be done printed and interactively by clicking on the links.
1. Listen to the first part of the song and fill the blanks with the present simple of the verb in brackets.
Then, click here to do this exercise interactively.
Every bursted bubble__________ (have) a glory
Each abysmal failure __________(make) a point
Every glowing path that ________(go) astray
________(show) you how to find a better way
So every time you _________(stumble), Never grumble
Next time you'll bumble even less
For up from the ashes, up from the ashes, grow the roses of success
2. Look up the following words in the electronic dictionary and translate them.
Then, do this matching exercise click here
Words | Translation |
bursted bubble | |
abysmal failure | |
glowing path | |
better way | |
up from the ashes | |
roses of success |
Explain it in your own words:
4. Listen to the second part of the song and match the halves:
For every big mistake | never make again |
That mistake you'll | for two more tries |
Every shiny dream | you make be grateful |
Generates the steam | to second guess |
So there's magic in | the wake of a fiasco! |
It gives you that chance | that fades and dies |
5. Listen to the first part of the song and fill the blanks with the three names among the following. Then, translate the verse to understand the meaning.
But first click here to do an interactivey quiz
Archimedes, Louis Pasteur, Edwin Aldrin, Jacques Cousteau, Alexander Graham, Edison, Benjamin Franklin , Galileo Galilei
(No sir)
__________took years to see the light
_____________knew failure well. He took a lot of knocks to ring that bell
So when it gets distressing it's a blessing
Onward and upward you must press
Yes! Yes!
Til up from the ashes, up from the ashes grow the roses of success
link de la canción presentada: http://www.isabelperez.com/songs/therosesofsuccess.htm
Link del sitio: http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
Le point du FLE es un sitio de internet dedicado a la enseñanza del francés en todas sus vertientes tiene espacios de gramática, fonética, cultura, ortografía, vocabulario, pero tiene una parte muy interesante que es la de canciones, están agrupadas de acuerdo a los intereses de cada persona, por ejemplo música francófona de Canadá:
Trabaja en conjunto con otros sitios como TV5, tiene un apartado donde se pueden ver los planes de clase y se pueden descargar e imprimir las actividades que son muy completas.
Ejemplo 1: En el siguiente link podrás encontrar en formato PDF un ejercicio sobre la canción de Le Déserteur – Boris Vian
Ejemplo 2: La Foule - Edith Piaf
Link: http://www.lepointdufle.net/ressources_fle/lafoule_piaf.htm#.VGJrG01ASM8
Exercice : Écouter la chanson puis accorder les participes passés
La Foule (1958) - Edith Piaf (1915-1963)
Titre original (1953) :
Que nadie sepa mi sufrir / Amor de mis Amores
Musique : Angel Cabral (Argentine)
Paroles : Enrique Dizeo (Argentine)
Paroles en français : Michel Rivgauche
Titre original (1953) :
Que nadie sepa mi sufrir / Amor de mis Amores
Musique : Angel Cabral (Argentine)
Paroles : Enrique Dizeo (Argentine)
Paroles en français : Michel Rivgauche
Je revois la ville en fête et en délire | ||
Suffoquant sous le soleil et sous la joie
| ||
Et j'entends dans la musique les cris, les rires
| ||
Qui éclatent et rebondissent autour de moi
| ||
Et parmi ces gens qui me bousculent
| ||
, , je reste là
| ||
Quand soudain, je me retourne, il se recule
| ||
Et la foule vient me jeter entre ses bras
par la foule qui nous traîne, nous entraîne | ||
l'un contre l'autre, nous ne formons qu'un seul corps | ||
Et le flot, sans effort, nous pousse, l'un et l'autre | ||
Et nous laisse tous deux , et heureux |
Et par la foule qui s'élance et qui danse une folle farandole | ||
Nos deux mains restent | ||
Et parfois , nos deux corps s'envolent | ||
Et retombent tous deux , et heureux |
Et la joie par son sourire | ||
Me transperce et rejaillit au fond de moi | ||
Mais soudain je pousse un cri parmi les rires | ||
Quand la foule vient l'arracher d'entre mes bras |
par la foule qui nous traîne, nous entraîne | ||
Nous éloigne l'un de l'autre, je lutte et je me débats | ||
Mais le son de ma voix s'étouffe dans le rire des autres | ||
Et je crie de douleur, de fureur et de rage et je pleure |
Et par la foule qui s'élance et qui danse une folle farandole | ||
Je suis au loin | ||
Et je crispe mes poings, maudissant la foule qui me vole | ||
L'homme qu'elle m'avait et que je n'ai jamais |
Résultat : /
Ejemplo 3: Ne me quitte pas (Jacques Brel)
Link: http://fr.ver-taal.com/chan_nemequittepas.htm
Écoutez la chanson et complétez le texte.
Oooooh! Qué interesante está la página que encontraste, muy completa por todas las actividades que tiene el aprendiz de poder interactuar con ellas para mejorar su nivel de lengua y contar con ella como otra herramienta de trabajo tanto como del docente como del estudiante. En general muy bien!
ResponderBorrarMe gustan los ejercicios que encontraste, se me hacen interesante, ojala pudieras ponerle mas color a tu blog, me parece que todo lo demás esta muy bien!!!
ResponderBorrarEn el sitio de francés se pueden encontrar varias actividades, no sólo con canciones sino en general para mejorar las competencias lingüísticas de los hablantes
ResponderBorrarIsamar, tenías razón con respecto al formato del blog, ya lo modifiqué.
ResponderBorrarExcelente página, para los chicos de Francés, me parece que las canciones son un buen método para que los alumnos deduzcan el tema o de que se está hablando, incluso para enseñar vocabulario es excelente. Muy bien.
ResponderBorrarEl sitio es muy completo, pero además de las actividades con canciones también puedes encontrar explicaciones de temas y otros links para encontrar más material :)